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17th July
written by admin

Friday, December 14, 2006

Do you people even bother reading this part? If you do, please send us some email so Mow will stop bugging me about whether the email is working or not. Please… NO, I mean really…

So this week we talk about terror in a dentist’s chair, we make outlandish claims about how we will add even more multimedia stuff to the podcast page which of course will never happen. After a brake or two we talked about our progress in the planning stage of our great Vegas trip and then segue by way of a Real Eyes song without a title, into traveling faster than the speed of sound and Star Trek.. All in all, it was better than last week and really, what more can you ask for?

If you want to find out what we are talking about with the ‘ceramic deer’ follow the link below:

Umm, that would be right here.

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