Tonight, we were blessed with Huston in the studio and cursed with alcohol and a very late starting time… The show started a little rocky but we did finally get into our grove.
As a special request to our loyal listners, we’re asking you to go out to iTunes and/or a couple of podcast directories (Podcast Pickle, Podcast Alley) and give us some good reviews. Why it took us so long to ask for the support is beyond me.
As a public service announcement we’re asking that you, do *NOT* buy Liberian currency from these people! Don’t click on the links for this till after you’ve heard the show, though…
So what did we talk about? We had a couple of funny or psychotic episodes on this single show, we talked about the lack of class we see today in semi-expensive restaurants and also mused on the ever-shrinking world of American owned and brewed beer. There was more but that’s about all I can remember. Anyway, good night, god bless and don’t forget to spay and neuter your cats and dogs… Oh, and MWNN – was tonight your “A” game?