Posts Tagged ‘UFO’

28th May
written by mOw


Slow Robot A Go-Go Show 119 – The Atomic Submarine

Tonight Dr. Morbius (from parts unknown) and mOw do a rousing version of This Or That! After the fun and games the review team gets right to it with the classic Alien UFO under water atomic sub opus that is THE ATOMIC SUBMARINE. Is this classic hitting close to home or did it swing for imaginary fences that weren’t there? And while we are on the subject of swinging for the fences please take a moment to rate and review the show on iTunes, it would really help us out. Tune in and find out! Listen, laugh and love won’t you? thank you.

Slow Robot A Go-Go is now part of the SLICE RADIO family!  Look for some promotions to win awesome prizes and make sure to log onto Slice early and often. Also make sure to add us on twitter @slowrobotagogo to keep up on new news and developments. Also, please join our facebook group to get the inside scoop on all our wacky shenanigans. But never mind all that… here is THIS?!?!

bscap0545sv2 submarine

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