Show 304 – Faster Than The Speed Of Stupid
This week Dr. Morbius, mOw the clown look to the future for answers to the past, they take a long journey of self discovery and muse over ways they could make the world a better place. Are you still reading this? If you are then you obviously have never listened to the show before and have not yet realized mOw has the memory of a goldfish and cannot remember what they talked about on the BOD hour by the time they are posted. So take some time, kick back and listen… and get to know what good is.
OH… make sure to join our new video project CREATURE FEATURE with Doc and Clown facebook group
and subscribe on itunes and give us some feedback.
Bands Played This Show:
Asshole Parade – https://www.facebook.com/pages/Assholeparade/223548857685446
Jinny Oops! – https://www.facebook.com/pages/JinnyOops/183745305044825
Stompin’ RiffRaffs – https://www.facebook.com/pages/Stompin-Riffraffs/232236363517683
Also, check out our NEW FEATURE LENGTH MOVIE on Creature Feature With Doc And Clown