Al and Don take the helm as they discuss the work of Joe Kubert. Gil Kane and the natural progression artists go through if they work at it long enough.
An Example Of Joe Kubert’s War Comics Work.
Joe Kubert’s Tarzan Work.
John Buscema’s Tarzan Work.
Enemy Ace And The Dog Story That Al Spoke Of.
Pencil Thumbnails Of Joe Kubert
And Here Is The School He Founded And Ran.
Jules Feiffer Comic Book Heroes.
The Bible By Joe Kubert And Nestor Redondo.
Gil Kane’s Green Lantern Inked By Sid Greene.
Gil Kane Inked By John Romita.
Gil Kane Inked By Dan Adkins.
Jack Kirby’s Promethean Galaxy.
Gil Kane Inked By Dave Cockrum.
Classic Popeye By Bud Sagendorf.