412 | Pioneers: Blood & Stars 2

Peter Taylor joins us to talk about his comic book Pioneers: Blood & Stars. Commercial space travel and employment in the cosmos, while one participant carries a secret most find concerning. Storytelling, collaboration and working through distractions are covered as well.


Pioneers: Blood & Stars By Peter Taylor And Falk Hänsel.

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350 | Reading Lists, Kickstarter And Dollar Boxes

In case you never knew how this podcast began you are in luck, as that is what we started talking about. We then went over our reading lists, which some of us completely forgot about, Kickstarter projects, dollar box finds and kid’s comics finish everything out. Enjoy!



350 Episodes.

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347 | Pioneers: Blood & Stars

Peter Taylor joins us to talk about his series Pioneers: Blood & Stars. Sequential thinking, color, The Kickstarter comics community, AI and changing technology are a just few of the topics we cover.


Pioneers: Blood & Stars By Peter Taylor And Falk Hänsel.

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