435 | Citizen Evil And Other Works

The manga Citizen Evil Vol. 1 is reviewed, then we go into work that was found by chance.



Citizen Evil Vol. 1 By M.A.S.

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434 | Path of the Pale Rider 6

Laurie Calcaterra has put out issue 5 and is underway with 6! Endless possibilities are discussed as always, but the humanity of the characters are brought up as well. Enjoy!


Path of the Pale Rider 6 By Laurie Calcaterra,
Gilbert Perez And Matt D. Chambers III.

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433 | Year 2000, Prison, Robots And Plants

Even though it’s twenty fives years ago, we still think of the year 2000 as the far flung future. Rook talked about Under-Earth recently, but after getting a chance to read it, Don discusses it some more, along with other stuff.



Futuredays: A Nineteenth Century Vision of the Year 2000.

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431 | Deep Cuts Discovered

We talk about books found in the wild that we were not aware of. Jay Thorhees was here, but wanted to be a fly on the wall. We made him talk anyway. Enjoy!

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Moscow Death Brigade


Bramble By Jean-David Morvan And Nesmo.

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430 | First Person Revocation

Las Mielitas, the first volume of First Person Revocation is out and Peter Howarth comes on to discuss a story of shifting consciousness between individuals two hundred years in the future. You can learn more if you listen.


First Person Revocation: Volume 1; Las Mielitas By Peter Howarth.

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429 | Television And LEGOs

This episode begins with Batman: Gotham By Gaslight both the comic and animated movie, other comics adapted to television, the third issue of Blitmap, the LEGO X-Mansion and licensing fees.



Gotham By Gaslight By Brian Augustyn, Mike Mignola And P. Craig Russell.

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428 | Lost In The Shuffle 2

Alex M. Clark is in the process of putting out Lost In The Shuffle 2. We’ve had him on before, but still had a lot to talk about.


Lost In The Shuffle 2 By Alex M. ClarkRobby Melendez And Sean Lamberger.

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427 | Casanova, TIME² And Other Books Inbetween

What we are currently reading and sometimes don’t understand. Give it a listen.

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Deloris Telescope


Casanova, Vol. 1: Luxuria By Matt Fraction And Gabriel Bá.

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425 | Future Tales

Future Tales is a reimagining of classic fairy tales told in a cyberpunk post apocalyptic world. Philip Tarl Denson comes on to discuss the project and collaborating with an international array of artists for each chapter.


Future Tales By Philip Tarl Denson And These Artists.

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424 | The 7th Kingdom

Film director/author and activist, Robbie Atkinson wears many hats, and she came on to tell us about her upcoming manga The 7th Kingdom.


The 7th Kingdom By Robbie Atkinson And Tagline 9.

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423 | Comics, Animation And Excitement!

Reading the series Invincible starts the conversation off, leading into Batman: Caped Crusader then back again. The excitement of waiting for the next issue (or trade) finishes the episode.



Invincible By Robert KirkmanCory Walker And Ryan Ottley.

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422 | Comics, Giant Monsters And Xenorama

The discussion starts off with reprints from the golden and silver age, then moves on to a couple of bronze age characters. Giant monsters, animated series, artist’s work we didn’t care for at first and Xenorama bring up the second half.



Silver Age.

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421 | Cygnus Imperium

Danny Gorny comes on to discuss the fourth issue of Cygnus Imperium, creation, process and his other works.


Cygnus Imperium 4 By Danny Gorny, Yarkin Sakarya And Alan Bay.

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420 | Phoebe Xavier

Phoebe Xavier returns to talk about the new volume of 13th Moon Volume Three. But as always, so much more is discussed.


Bluetooth By Phoebe Xavier.

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419 | Enenra

Aaron Wroblewski is here to discuss his latest work Enenra, but since Rook looked up his other projects online, we talked about those as well. But mostly Enenra.


Enenra By Aaron Wroblewski And Ezequiel Rubio Lancho.

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418 | Ryan Claytor

A book celebrating the creative process One Bite At A Time is out, and Ryan Claytor comes on to talk about it. All about the process.


One Bite At A Time: A Hardcover Art Book Celebrating Process.

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417 | Biography Trades, Web Comics And Public Domain

It starts off with a biography trade, followed by two webcomics and the confusing world of public domain characters. After that it is a series of trades that have been read and the rabbit hole they lead into. Enjoy!



Is This Guy For Real? The UNBELIEVABLE ANDY KAUFMAN By Box Brown.

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416 | Avalon

Brandon Starocci joins us to discuss his series Avalon, which follows a family that navigate the dangers of a zombie infection while you learn of their struggles with anxiety, depression, and ongoing health.


Avalon 3 By Brandon Starocci, Alan Dingfelder And Dimitris Nastos.

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415 | Wurst & Mayhem 2

Wurst & Mayhem creators John Edingfield II And Ryan Kroboth come on to talk about their upcoming issue, the Wurst Unboxing Ever, along with the collaboration and creative process. Which is all done with exuberance and excessive energy, jut like the series.


Wurst & Mayhem 1 By John Edingfield II And Ryan Kroboth.
Variant Cover By Kyle Roberts.

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414 | Mainstream And Independents

It starts out with the Wurst Unboxing, goes into Guy Gardner and the history of Earth’s Green Lanterns along with keeping up with mainstream characters as they continue over time. A new independent title and an early eighties publisher take up the rest of the episode.


Guy Gardner: Collateral Damage By Howard Chaykin And Michelle Madsen.

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412 | Pioneers: Blood & Stars 2

Peter Taylor joins us to talk about his comic book Pioneers: Blood & Stars. Commercial space travel and employment in the cosmos, while one participant carries a secret most find concerning. Storytelling, collaboration and working through distractions are covered as well.


Pioneers: Blood & Stars By Peter Taylor And Falk Hänsel.

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411 | SWAT: Eldritch Blue 1

What if Harry Potter was a busted up 40 year old detective counting the days to his pension? Justin Coke comes on to discuss that in SWAT: Eldritch Blue 1.


SWAT: Eldritch Blue 1 By Justin Coke And Rachel Distler.

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410 | Blood World: Phoenix Throne

David Howard comes on to discuss his current project Blood World: Phoenix Throne. His other comic OPSEC and prose novel The Long Game were talked about, along with collaboration, research and deep thinking processes. Pretty interesting.


Blood World: Phoenix Throne 1 Main Cover By Jeff Bracey.

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409 | Quiet: Level One

Jonah Lobe worked as a character designer on both Fallout and Skyrim as well as creating Marvel Anatomy: A Scientific Study of the Superhuman. His current project is the series Quiet: Level One. Give it a listen if you would like to learn more and take a look at the Kickstarter.


Quiet: Level One By Jonah Lobe.

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408 | Free Comic Book Day

It is way past Free Comic Book Day, but here is a road show we did during that time. Give it a listen.



Invincible By Robert KirkmanCory Walker And Ryan Ottley.

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407 | Monkey Vol. 1

Zeo Niu has created Monkey Vol. 1 – A Trippy Post-Apocalyptic Action Comedy and comes on to talk about it. We were surprised to learn Zeo does a lot of other things, but only wanted to talk about the comic. Enjoy!


Monkey Vol. 1 By Zeo Niu, David Monge Bautista, Rico Renzi And Nikos Koutsis.

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406 | Path Of The Pale Rider

Path Of The Pale Rider issues 1-4 have been collected in a trade with full color, which includes the formerly black and white first issue.


Path Of The Pale Rider Trade.

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