Don has squandered a lot of time on YouTube and talks about The Daily Doug, Loop TV, NewsFromMeTV and the loss of Steve Sherman. 100-Page Giants, Ultraman and MEGO action figures, Prince Planet, Red Sonja and Frank Thorne are discussed after that. Detailed, decorative artists that can be confusing to read, Fantastic Four: Life Story and other silver age comics being retold.

DC 100-Page Our Fighting Forces Giant!

DC 100-Page Our Fighting Forces Giant!

A Last, Full Measure By John Arcudi, Richard Corben And Jose Villarrubia.

MEGO Ultraman 8″ Action Figure.

Ultraman By Tom Whalen.

Jet Jaguar By Tom Whalen.

Red Sonja: She-Devil With A Sword Reprint From 2021.
Drawn And Lettered By Frank Thorne.

Red Sonja: She Devil With A Sword From 1976.
Drawn And Lettered By Frank Thorne.

Red Sonja: She-Devil With A Sword Reprint From 2021.
Drawn And Lettered By Frank Thorne.

Red Sonja: She Devil With A Sword From 1976.
Drawn And Lettered By Frank Thorne.

Red Sonja By Roy Thomas, Esteban Maroto, Neal Adams And Ernie Chan.
Reprinted In Red Sonja: She-Devil With A Sword From 2021.

Red Sonja By Roy Thomas, Esteban Maroto, Neal Adams And Ernie Chan.
Originally In Savage Sword Of Conan 1 From 1971.

SonjaCon Cover By Dick Giordano.

Red Sonja Pin-Up By Frank Thorne.

Ghita Of Alizarr By Frank Thorne.

Wendy Pini And Frank Thorne As Red Sonja And The Wizard..

Dell Comics’ Bugs Bunny By Phil DeLara.

Pink Panther From Gold Key.

Woody Woodpecker From Dell Comics.

Oogie & The Scroungers Drawn By Esteban Maroto

Feathertop Drawn By Alex Niño.

Russ Heath Atlas’ War Adventures.

Russ Heath Atlas’ Marvel Tales.

Fantastic Four: Life Story1, The 60s By Mark Russell And Sean Izaakse.

Fantastic Four: Life Story1, The 60s.

Fantastic Four: Life Story1, The 60s By Mark Russell And Sean Izaakse.

Fantastic Four: Life Story1, The 70s By Mark Russell And Sean Izaakse..

Fantastic Four: Life Story1, The 70s By Mark Russell And Sean Izaakse..

Fantastic Four: Life Story1, The 70s By Mark Russell And Sean Izaakse..

Fantastic Four: The End By Alan Davis And Mark Farmer.

Fantastic Four: The End By Alan Davis And Mark Farmer.

I would like to start by saying that we also lost one of my all time favorites Dusty Hill of ZZ Top, who passed at the age of 72 in his sleep. ZZ Top was still actively touring and doing shows. I fortunately was able to see them the last time they were here at the Rodeo in 2019.
Youtube on a smart TV is so great. I did watch the documentary about the Flisher animation studio that was awesome. My favorites are some artist like 10 Hundred and Kiptoe and as for comic related i like to watch Cartoonist Kayfabe with Ed Piskor and Jim Rugg they do a lot. Interveiws , comic book making , printing, mail bag, and in depth reveiws of older books highlighting books you may not be aware of.
I bought one of those 100 page giants from walmart it was the Flash those were super Awesome. I love the paper they used. They no longer carry them. They have been replaced by more expensive random multi packs of more current stuff (no thanks) i was looking for the 100 page giants and found some on Ebay selling for 3 time the cover price
The Fantastic Four life Story sound cool they did the same for Spider man was a 6 issue mini, going though 6 decades with writer Chip Zardisky. Good book highly recommend any Spidey fan to check it out
Dusty Hill leaving this plane of existence has left a wide impression on everyone during this time. He made a graceful exit.
I’ve seen Cartoonist Kayfabe mentioned on Facebook, and Dallas is a big fan of Ed Piskor, so I may have to check it out.
The 100 Page Giants were a great idea, and someone may try something like that again. I would like to see reprint collections from all the publishers in that format.
I think Fantastic Four: Life Story is a follow up to the Spider-Man series you talked about.