302 | 100-Page Giants And Red Sonja

Don has squandered a lot of time on YouTube and talks about The Daily Doug, Loop TV, NewsFromMeTV and the loss of Steve Sherman. 100-Page Giants, Ultraman and MEGO action figures, Prince Planet, Red Sonja and Frank Thorne are discussed after that. Detailed, decorative artists that can be confusing to read, Fantastic Four: Life Story and other silver age comics being retold.



DC 100-Page Our Fighting Forces Giant!

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265 | Identifying Artists

Comic book distribution on hiatus, the failed attempt to aid it from ComicHub and the 5 lb. Mystery Boxes offered from Mile High Comics starts this one off. Identifying uncredited artists and writers in both comics and paperback book covers. They go on a lot after this.

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Jeff Buckley & Elizabeth Fraser


Bob Bolling.

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