265 | Identifying Artists

Comic book distribution on hiatus, the failed attempt to aid it from ComicHub and the 5 lb. Mystery Boxes offered from Mile High Comics starts this one off. Identifying uncredited artists and writers in both comics and paperback book covers. They go on a lot after this.

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Jeff Buckley & Elizabeth Fraser


Bob Bolling.

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190 | Smithsonian Comics And Gum Cards

We start off with a correction from Episode 186 on Doom Patrol and Ted Mckeever. A Smithsonian Book of Comic-Book Comics is covered, Rook’s box of bubble gum cards, television show hosts, cable network shows, Sunstone 1 and Hot Gimmick 12.



Doom Patrol 79 Cover By Kyle Baker (Who Don Gets Confused
With Ted Mckeever, But He Does Not Know Why).

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