343 | Dwayne, Dune And Mickey Mouse

The book Dwayne: A Tale From Existentia starts the conversation off, then moves on to the second Dune Graphic Novel. Rook’s trip to Altanta with some comics created in the area and Mickey Mouse stories from Europe come up as well. It all finishes out with talk of Rocky Horror Picture Show. Who knew that would happen?

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Steve Robinson & Ed Woltil


Dwayne: A Tale From Existentia By Lynsey G.

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338 | Ryan Claytor’s Mirror Drawings

Ryan Claytor comes on to talk about his current project Mirror Drawings. Teaching students to track their own progress, strategies to maintain larger projects, and coaching Kickstarter campaigns are discussed. Neon sign design and bending, Michigan State University’s Library Of Comic Books and the reason A Hunter’s Tale was created are discussed. Enjoy!


Ryan Claytor’s Mirror Drawings.

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