343 | Dwayne, Dune And Mickey Mouse

The book Dwayne: A Tale From Existentia starts the conversation off, then moves on to the second Dune Graphic Novel. Rook’s trip to Altanta with some comics created in the area and Mickey Mouse stories from Europe come up as well. It all finishes out with talk of Rocky Horror Picture Show. Who knew that would happen?

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Steve Robinson & Ed Woltil


Dwayne: A Tale From Existentia By Lynsey G.

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291 | Rogan Gosh, Millar And Dune

Finding Milligan and McCarthy in the dollar box leads this episode down a rabbit hole of eighties comics, National Geographic, online pricing compared to real life and books by Mark Millar. And since we have all read DUNE The Graphic Novel we discuss that again as well as comic books and prose adapted to other media. We finish it out with Dept. H and yet another Ghost Rider series.



Rogan Gosh By Brendan McCarthy And Peter Milligan.

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288 | Dune, Frankenstein, Paper Girls And Tolkien

DUNE The Graphic Novel starts a long discussion on the work of Frank Herbert and several different media translation we have seen. Zero issues, how science fiction began with Frankenstein, the comic book series Paper Girls, and the artwork of J. R. R. Tolkien are talked about along with several other topics. Enjoy!



DUNE The Graphic Novel By Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson,
Raul Allen And Patricia Martin.

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