A book celebrating the creative process One Bite At A Time is out, and Ryan Claytor comes on to talk about it. All about the process.
One Bite At A Time: A Hardcover Art Book Celebrating Process.
Continue readingA book celebrating the creative process One Bite At A Time is out, and Ryan Claytor comes on to talk about it. All about the process.
One Bite At A Time: A Hardcover Art Book Celebrating Process.
Continue readingWe are joined by mOw, a man who doesn’t read the comics he buys, but founded the Bunch Of Dorks before podcasts were a thing. He does like Godzilla, so it all balances out.
400 Episodes Of No Direction.
Continue readingThe conversation starts off with Sidekick For Hire, which leads to all kinds of books after that.
Sidekick For Hire: Will Save The Day For Money By Kristian Herrera And Rick Alves.
Continue readingRyan Claytor has a 20th Anniversary Art Book in the works and joins us to talk about it. It was mentioned that this would be Episode 377, but as you can see, it is not. Enjoy it anyway!
One Bite At A Time: A Hardcover Art Book Celebrating Process By Ryan Claytor.
Continue readingRyan Claytor comes on to talk about his current project Mirror Drawings. Teaching students to track their own progress, strategies to maintain larger projects, and coaching Kickstarter campaigns are discussed. Neon sign design and bending, Michigan State University’s Library Of Comic Books and the reason A Hunter’s Tale was created are discussed. Enjoy!
Ryan Claytor’s Mirror Drawings.
Continue readingRook received his copy of A Hunter’s Tale and discusses the experience. Four Eras In Comic Book History comes after that along with Ghost Rider 1 (which in real time is 247). Burglar Bill takes up the end.
A Hunter’s Tale By Charles Kermit Claytor And Ryan Claytor.
Continue readingCartoonist, professor, designer and pinball enthusiast Ryan Claytor comes on to talk about creating comics, reciprocated empathy and the upcoming A Hunter’s Tale.
A Hunter’s Tale By Charles Kermit Claytor And Ryan Claytor.
Continue reading