397 | Witchland

Tim Mulligan not only wrote the play Witchland, he also turned it into a graphic novel as well. Creation, execution and collaboration are discussed, as well as history of the Pacific Northwest that we haven’t heard of, but should have.


Witchland By Tim Mulligan And Pyrink.

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338 | Ryan Claytor’s Mirror Drawings

Ryan Claytor comes on to talk about his current project Mirror Drawings. Teaching students to track their own progress, strategies to maintain larger projects, and coaching Kickstarter campaigns are discussed. Neon sign design and bending, Michigan State University’s Library Of Comic Books and the reason A Hunter’s Tale was created are discussed. Enjoy!


Ryan Claytor’s Mirror Drawings.

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274 | What Are They Doing Now?

Storage for comics and magazines start the conversation off, but almost immediately goes into music, humor magazines and things that are hard to find. Then Al starts asking about comic book distribution and what past artists are doing now. Scott answered a couple, but not all.


Comic Book Storage.

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