56 | Comic Book Editors

Amazing as it sounds, Dallas and Rook are absent, but somehow Al keeps Don from talking over the hour. The show starts off mentioning the Bill Wray episode of Sidebar: Four Color Conversations, then goes into comic book editors, which is a subject that they have thought very little about.

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Deloris Telescope


Giant Size Avengers 1 By Roy Thomas, Rich Buckler And
Dan Adkins But Don, Proving That He Needs An Editor, Said
That It Was Written By Gerry Conway.

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43 | Random Works

Dallas and Rook are still M.I.A. as Al and Don take the helm once again to discuss Superman’s trunks, Howard Chaykin’s evolving style and Bernie Wrightson drawing Frankenstein again. Works by Jeff Jones and Vaughn Bode were talked about as well as the Dark Shadows newspaper strip and the 47 Ronin series.

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Deloris Telescope


SOLO By Howard Chaykin.

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