Hroge joins us once again to discuss The Cancel Haus 2, and the campaign for issue 3. There were a lot of other topics covered as well, but The Cancel Haus was the most important.

Hroge joins us once again to discuss The Cancel Haus 2, and the campaign for issue 3. There were a lot of other topics covered as well, but The Cancel Haus was the most important.
Chris has subscribed to Marvel Unlimited and has asked for recommendations. We do that on and off throughout the extremely long episode. We argue about Iron Fist, talk about Unnatural Order And Freddy Lombard in between that.
Spirits Of Vengence:Rise Of The Midnight Sons By Howard Mackie,
Len Kaminski, Christian Cooper, D.G. Chichester, Andy Kubert,
Adam Kubert, Ron Wagner, Richard Case, Ron Garney,
Alex Saviuk, Klaus Janson, Joe Kubert.
Animated cartoons we watched as kids leads into cereal prizes and fast food premiums. Comics For Ukraine finally arrived, more Nancy talk and we discovered the work of Ben Sears. The many different Green Lanterns, Static and the horrifying journey Ms. Marvel took before taking on the mantel of Captain Marvel. Of course, that leads into the different Ant-Men, and the one and only Rain Like Hammers finishes it out.
Known As Prince Planet In The United States, But Started
Out In Japan As Yusei Shounen Papi | 遊星少年パピイ.
Hroge comes on to talk about his comic book The Cancel Haus. Animation, European cartoonists, pub culture and British television were part of the conversation as well.
The Cancel Haus By Hroge.
Continue readingTalk about The Lord Of The Rings: The Rings: Rings Of Power as well as The Silmarillion begins the episode. Bigfoot Knows Karate, a review of Origamiac, Hieroglyph, Moebius’ massive influence and Rook’s impatience waiting for Attack On Titan finish it out.
This was recorded on Christopher Reeve’s birthday, so of course we talk about him, his work and Superman. Norse Mythology, stories in the oral tradition, and many other off topic subjects are discussed.
Christopher Reeve As Superman.
Continue readingAl starts the show off talking about the movie Polyester and the forgotten gimmick of Scratch And Sniff. Free Comic Book Day 2021, EC Comics’ creators and humor titles, along with Ghost Rider and deserts. Old Captain America stories finish it out.
Usagi Yojimbo Free Comic Book Day 2020.
Continue readingJohn Lennon: the final interview is mentioned at the beginning, but a discussion of Harry Lucey, Archie artists and golden age reprints start up the comic book talk. Animation history, random comic books and artists who never lost the spark are discussed.
Archie: The Best Of Harry Lucey.
Continue readingDUNE The Graphic Novel starts a long discussion on the work of Frank Herbert and several different media translation we have seen. Zero issues, how science fiction began with Frankenstein, the comic book series Paper Girls, and the artwork of J. R. R. Tolkien are talked about along with several other topics. Enjoy!
DUNE The Graphic Novel By Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson,
Raul Allen And Patricia Martin.
Reprints Of 70’s horror magazine sized comics and books we missed when they originally came out are discussed, as well a growing appreciation for Golden and Silver Age work.
Even though no one read any comics this week, we talked about them anyway.
The Mothman Of West Virginia starts it off along with random bug talk and stop motion monsters, science fiction writers and comic adaptations. Western comics by Moebius, humor cartoonists and Tarzan finish it out.
Harlan Ellison’s Dream Corridor.
Continue readingBlack Panther, The Eternals and 2001: A Space Odyssey were titles Jack Kirby created when he returned to Marvel. We talk about those as well as Brandon Graham’s Multiple Warheads 2 and Ishinomori Shotaro’s Kikaida.
Musical Spotlight: Anna O
The works of H. P. Lovecraft and his long reaching influence is discussed, along with The Crow and yet another copy of The Incal that Don bought. Avengers Endgame and Dark Phoenix finish everything out.
Lovecraft: Four Classic Horror Stories By H.P. Lovecraft And Ian Culbard.
Continue readingThis conversation begins with Blade Runner 2049 and moves into Deconstructing The Incal, Jodorowsky’s Dune and the many works that occurred after the project never came to fruition.
Limited edition books, Action Comics 1000 and how the human need for bathrooms would affect Superman. Things get even more random after that. No kidding, they do.
Blade Runner 2049 Poster By Adam Cockerton-Rai.
Two Brothers starts this episode off, which leads into The Umbrella Academy, The Airtight Garage and Where The Wild Things Are. The second half covers the 1966 version of the MLJ superheroes The Mighty Crusaders and other lighthearted comic books. We enjoyed recording the second half so much that we did it twice.
MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Disperse • Jakub Zytecki
Two Brothers By Gabriel Bá And Fabio Moon.
Here Is Their Word Balloon Interview.
Al and Don cross the bay into Tampa to search through the dollar boxes at Comics & Stuff. Rondo Hatton, The Mighty Thor and Blade Runner are discussed as well.
This episode is so packed we didn’t stop for a music break. But we did talk about Pee Wee Herman, playing Dungeons And Dragons with Lego, Disney comics, comic book adaptations and outright swipes of other artist’s work. It ends with talk of The Sandman by Jack Kirby and Joe Simon.
The conversation begins with dollar box finds, then goes into color theory, high contrast and happy Batman. The world needs more happy Batman.
MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Steve Connelly And The Lesser Gods
While in Virginia, Don meets up with Scott Conner, who is one of our first listeners. As the conversation flowed, they decided to record a show, and here it is.
The Goon By Eric Powell.
It is Free Comic Book Day so it is another road trip to Yancy Street Comics.
Don Thought Free Comic Book Day Started In The Nineties.
But It Began In 2003.
Moebius and The World of Edena is discussed in great detail. Nod Away, The Undertaking Of Lily Chen, Prince Of Persia and Doom Force are covered as well,
but not as much.
Throwing caution to the wind Al and Don leave St. Petersburg and go to Tampa in search of comic books. They tell you what they got on the way back.
Nerd Out Comics • Tampa, Florida
Rereading comics that sit in the box or on the shelf for long periods of time, binge reading, single issue stories, Valerian and Moebius being available in English start this one off. Pullapalooza finishes it out.
Akira By Katsuhiro Otomo.
Al brings Frank Frazetta’s The Adventures Of The Snow Man to the table. Dallas talks about Injection and Don brings up The Vision (again). Sex Criminals, little hamburgers and the many versions of The Incal finish out the rest.
MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: The Shadow Moses Incident
Al starts it off talking about a movie he has no interest in seeing, and Don talks about comic books from previous episodes. We also discussed this Howard Chaykin interview.
MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Brian Eno featuring Snatch “R.A.F”
Filling in the blanks, comic images that scared us as kids and horror comics from Harvey start things off. Madame Xanadu, Batman Vs. Grendel, Valerian and the fact that AL HAS NEVER SEEN The Fifth Element finishes it.
Fill In The Blanks From Understanding Comics By Scott McCloud.
Dallas is back, but no Al and no Rook. Free Comic Book Day at Yancy Street Comics are discussed, along with digital comics and The Comic Book History Of Comics, all wrapped up in poor sound quality.
MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Adrien Belew And The Prophet Omega
Al, Dallas and Don get together on this supersized episode to discuss comic artists who not only had fantastic drawing abilities, but were masters of graphic design as well.
Alex Toth.
Seminal Works. Creepy Presents Alex Toth, Genius Isolated, Genius Illustrated, Genius Animated, Setting the Standard: Comics by Alex Toth 1952-1954 And Zorro.
We start off with a discussion of influences, mention the difference between creation and contribution, and artists who work with a sketchy line style. Old Daredevil comics, the New Wonder Woman of the early seventies, Dial H For Hero and finish off with the Fantastic Four as always.
Conan By Gary Gianni.