227 | Locke And Key, The Seeds, Terry And The Pirates And Nikki Sixx

Locke & Key being made into a series on Netflix starts everything off, which goes into other shows and Dungeon And Dragons. A new comic from the Berger Books imprint, Terry And The Pirates, Captain Marvel and racial stereotypes are discussed and we finish with The Heroin Diaries.

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Didges Christ SuperDrum


Locke & Key Will Be A Netflix Series.

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222 | Blade Runner, Incal, Action 1000 And Fool Killer

This conversation begins with Blade Runner 2049 and moves into Deconstructing The Incal, Jodorowsky’s Dune and the many works that occurred after the project never came to fruition.
Limited edition books, Action Comics 1000 and how the human need for bathrooms would affect Superman. Things get even more random after that. No kidding, they do.



Blade Runner 2049 Poster By Adam Cockerton-Rai.

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