Dungeons & Dragons’ attempted license agreement and the ripples it caused to the RPG community start this episode off, and finishes with facsimiles and reworked comics from the past.
MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Steve Robinson & Ed Woltil

Dungeons & Dragons’ attempted license agreement and the ripples it caused to the RPG community start this episode off, and finishes with facsimiles and reworked comics from the past.
MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Steve Robinson & Ed Woltil
A dollar box find starts off a long conversation about the great Jack Cole. Variant covers, sealed comic books, sidekicks that did not age well, Wally Wood and Dick Tracy finish it out.
Mr. Monster’s True Crime 1 By Michael T. Gilbert And Jack Cole.
Continue readingLocke & Key being made into a series on Netflix starts everything off, which goes into other shows and Dungeon And Dragons. A new comic from the Berger Books imprint, Terry And The Pirates, Captain Marvel and racial stereotypes are discussed and we finish with The Heroin Diaries.
MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Didges Christ SuperDrum
Locke & Key Will Be A Netflix Series.
Deep in the heart of Parts Unknown, Don, Al and Dallas discuss Slice Radio, Afterlife with Archie, some comic shop documentaries, the Origin of Rook Murphy, Warren comics, art commissions, Bernie Wrightson, Art Adams, John Buscema, Howard Chaykin’s Iron Wolf, Mike Mignola, Flex Mentallo, Charles Atlas, Count Dante, Jack and Stan’s Fantastic Four, civil rights in 60’s comics, the portrayal of minorities in 40’s and 50’s comics, and we wrap it up with Uncanny X-Men circa 1980’s.
The Rook From Warren Publishing.