414 | Mainstream And Independents

It starts out with the Wurst Unboxing, goes into Guy Gardner and the history of Earth’s Green Lanterns along with keeping up with mainstream characters as they continue over time. A new independent title and an early eighties publisher take up the rest of the episode.


Guy Gardner: Collateral Damage By Howard Chaykin And Michelle Madsen.

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385 | Memory Triggers And Protecting Trademarks


Animated cartoons we watched as kids leads into cereal prizes and fast food premiums. Comics For Ukraine finally arrived, more Nancy talk and we discovered the work of Ben Sears. The many different Green Lanterns, Static and the horrifying journey Ms. Marvel took before taking on the mantel of Captain Marvel. Of course, that leads into the different Ant-Men, and the one and only Rain Like Hammers finishes it out.


Known As Prince Planet In The United States, But Started
Out In Japan As Yusei Shounen Papi | 遊星少年パピイ.

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222 | Blade Runner, Incal, Action 1000 And Fool Killer

This conversation begins with Blade Runner 2049 and moves into Deconstructing The Incal, Jodorowsky’s Dune and the many works that occurred after the project never came to fruition.
Limited edition books, Action Comics 1000 and how the human need for bathrooms would affect Superman. Things get even more random after that. No kidding, they do.



Blade Runner 2049 Poster By Adam Cockerton-Rai.

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