Shane Berryhill joins us to talk about the upcoming Jacin And The Olympians and the Kickstarter campaign in support of it.
Jacin And The Olympians By Shane Berryhill, Alex Ogle,
Mattia Monaco And Maja Opacic.
Shane Berryhill joins us to talk about the upcoming Jacin And The Olympians and the Kickstarter campaign in support of it.
Jacin And The Olympians By Shane Berryhill, Alex Ogle,
Mattia Monaco And Maja Opacic.
If you are tired of hearing about us talking about Howard Chaykin and his many works then you might want to skip this one. Bronze age dollar box finds, Jack Kirby, Joe Kubert substitutes and Alan Davis are discussed along with it.
Continue readingWe start off with a correction from Episode 186 on Doom Patrol and Ted Mckeever. A Smithsonian Book of Comic-Book Comics is covered, Rook’s box of bubble gum cards, television show hosts, cable network shows, Sunstone 1 and Hot Gimmick 12.
Doom Patrol 79 Cover By Kyle Baker (Who Don Gets Confused
With Ted Mckeever, But He Does Not Know Why).