130 | Regrettable Superheroes, Alley Oop, Satellight Sam, Secret Wars And Doctor Fate

Don, Al, Dallas and Rook sit down for a solid hour of comic talk.

Rook reviews his latest Lootcrate acquisition The League of Regrettable Superheroes: Half-Baked Heroes from Comic Book History By Jon Morris, which includes such classic characters as Fantomah, Fatman: The Human Flying Saucer., Captain Marvel (1966), Dracula (Dell Comics), US 1, ROM: SpaceKnight, PREZ: First Teen President, Adam X: The X-Treme, Dr. Hormone, Nature Boy, The Bouncer, Nightmare And Sleepy, and many more!!

Dallas and Rook gush over an incredible 18″ Millennium Falcon (that’s 18 feet, kids!) and a Working Speeder Bike Drone. Don reviews an oversized hardcover edition of “Alley Oop“, a comic strip by V.T. Hamlin. Dallas and Don discuss their opinions on Satellite Sam by Matt Fraction and the legendary Howard Chaykin. Rook digs into Marvel’s current Secret Wars event books, including Years of Future Past 2, The Infinity Guantlet, The Age of Apocalypse, X-Men ’92, and Doctor Fate!



The League of Regrettable Superheroes: Half-Baked Heroes
from Comic Book History
By Jon Morris.

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76 | Voodoo Child Bill Sienkiewicz, Robert Crumb, All Star Superman, Whoa, Nellie!, Jaime Hernandez

Don, Al and Dallas talk comics. What comics? These comics:

She Hulk, The Winter SoldierSienkiewicz’s Voodoo Child and New Mutants, Robert Crumb’s Heroes of Blues and Kafka, All Star Superman, Whoa Nelly!, Fables, Walking Dead, Preacher, Howard the Duck and The Beatles.

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Robert Crumb & His Cheap Suit Serenaders


Winter Soldier By Rick Remender and Roland Boschi.

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