209 | Mister Miracle, Espers And Underground Comix

Dallas is back, and he wants to talk about Halloween! Unfortunately Mister Miracle and his different creative teams, Espers, EC and underground comix are what we talk about. The holliday is discussed a little bit at the end.



Mister Miracle By Tom King And Mitch Gerads.

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148 | Discovering Comic Books In The Sixties

There were a lot of technical difficulties on this one, so please excuse the poor sound quality. Al is joined with Pat and discuss the comic books they were exposed to in the early sixties and what brought them into the fold.



Dennis The Menace In Mexico.
By Al Wiseman And Fred Toole.

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76 | Voodoo Child Bill Sienkiewicz, Robert Crumb, All Star Superman, Whoa, Nellie!, Jaime Hernandez

Don, Al and Dallas talk comics. What comics? These comics:

She Hulk, The Winter SoldierSienkiewicz’s Voodoo Child and New Mutants, Robert Crumb’s Heroes of Blues and Kafka, All Star Superman, Whoa Nelly!, Fables, Walking Dead, Preacher, Howard the Duck and The Beatles.

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Robert Crumb & His Cheap Suit Serenaders


Winter Soldier By Rick Remender and Roland Boschi.

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