What we are currently reading and sometimes don’t understand. Give it a listen.
MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Deloris Telescope

Casanova, Vol. 1: Luxuria By Matt Fraction And Gabriel Bá.
Continue readingWhat we are currently reading and sometimes don’t understand. Give it a listen.
MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Deloris Telescope
Casanova, Vol. 1: Luxuria By Matt Fraction And Gabriel Bá.
Continue readingMUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Joyeater
Animated cartoons we watched as kids leads into cereal prizes and fast food premiums. Comics For Ukraine finally arrived, more Nancy talk and we discovered the work of Ben Sears. The many different Green Lanterns, Static and the horrifying journey Ms. Marvel took before taking on the mantel of Captain Marvel. Of course, that leads into the different Ant-Men, and the one and only Rain Like Hammers finishes it out.
Known As Prince Planet In The United States, But Started
Out In Japan As Yusei Shounen Papi | 遊星少年パピイ.
This was recorded on Christopher Reeve’s birthday, so of course we talk about him, his work and Superman. Norse Mythology, stories in the oral tradition, and many other off topic subjects are discussed.
Christopher Reeve As Superman.
Continue readingDUNE The Graphic Novel starts a long discussion on the work of Frank Herbert and several different media translation we have seen. Zero issues, how science fiction began with Frankenstein, the comic book series Paper Girls, and the artwork of J. R. R. Tolkien are talked about along with several other topics. Enjoy!
DUNE The Graphic Novel By Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson,
Raul Allen And Patricia Martin.
When kids discover comic book characters in video games and want to learn more, what would you recommend? We talk about the fun and fantastic of comic books from the past and give our thoughts on what happens when creator’s continue to work.
Marvel Epic Collection: Fantastic Four.
Continue readingLegion Of Super-Heroes and the many changes the comic has gone through takes up most of the show. November Vol. 1 comes up, then the many changes Thor has gone through takes up some more. We also question why Glactus keeps trying to devour the earth when it is obvious he can’t.
Then Marvel’s The End titles are coming back, and DC Black Label titles are talked about.
MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Deloris Telescope
Superboy: Legion Of Super-Heroes 198 By Cary Bates And Dave Cockrum.
Cover By Nick Cardy.
The work and thought process of Alex Toth is discussed as well as newspaper comics we had never seen or didn’t bother reading when they were being published. Don talks about the incredible work of Matt Howarth while Al stays silent until Howard Chaykin is brought up.
Alter Ego 63 Remembering Alex Toth.
The conversation starts with Grant Morrison’s 18 Days, rolls into DC’s Young Animal books with an intention on talking about The Atomics for a long time. Reading comic books out of sequence finishes everything out.
Grant Morrison’s 18 Days. Artwork By Jeevan J. Kang.
From Graphic India.
This episode we talk about Dalgoda by Jan Strnad and Dennis Fujitake. There were a few other things discussed, but mostly Dalgoda.
Dalgoda By Jan Strnad And Dennis Fujitake.
The core four are together, with Rook showing interest in the DC Rebirth titles. Crossover fatigue, the many Captain Marvels, The Vision and other television show style comics are brought up among other things.
Al brings Frank Frazetta’s The Adventures Of The Snow Man to the table. Dallas talks about Injection and Don brings up The Vision (again). Sex Criminals, little hamburgers and the many versions of The Incal finish out the rest.
MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: The Shadow Moses Incident
Our host Dallas is joined by Rook, Don and Al to discuss anything and everything related to comics. Rook pulls out a gem from his childhood called Twilight Man, Don mentions TUKI which begins a nostalgic discussion about Jeff Smith and Bone. Al talks Archie (Archie Vs. Predator, All New Archie) and the wonderful artist of Afterlife With Archie, Francesco Francavilla.
Dallas reminisces about his favorite Alex Ross print of the Uncanny X-Men, and Roy Thomas is name-dropped. Dallas reviews the wonderful Sex Criminals by Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky. And, of course, there is talk of The Walking Dead and the new AMC show, Fear The Walking Dead.
Twilight Man By Steven Grant, Tristan Schane,
Eric Vincent And Bruce Timm.
Don, Al, Dallas and Rook sit down for a solid hour of comic talk.
Rook reviews his latest Lootcrate acquisition The League of Regrettable Superheroes: Half-Baked Heroes from Comic Book History By Jon Morris, which includes such classic characters as Fantomah, Fatman: The Human Flying Saucer., Captain Marvel (1966), Dracula (Dell Comics), US 1, ROM: SpaceKnight, PREZ: First Teen President, Adam X: The X-Treme, Dr. Hormone, Nature Boy, The Bouncer, Nightmare And Sleepy, and many more!!
Dallas and Rook gush over an incredible 18″ Millennium Falcon (that’s 18 feet, kids!) and a Working Speeder Bike Drone. Don reviews an oversized hardcover edition of “Alley Oop“, a comic strip by V.T. Hamlin. Dallas and Don discuss their opinions on Satellite Sam by Matt Fraction and the legendary Howard Chaykin. Rook digs into Marvel’s current Secret Wars event books, including Years of Future Past 2, The Infinity Guantlet, The Age of Apocalypse, X-Men ’92, and Doctor Fate!
The League of Regrettable Superheroes: Half-Baked Heroes
from Comic Book History By Jon Morris.
Special guest Joust joins Al and Don to discuss The Marvel Super Heroes Animated Cartoon From 1966, The current Hawkeye comic, Joe Simon, Harvey Comics Thriller Line, Alex Toth, Gene Colan, Frank Robbins, George Perez, Dave Cockrum and Steve Rude.
MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Jules and the Polar Bears
The Marvel Super Heroes Animated Cartoon From 1966.
“Will comic book movies wear thin? Do we have any genius artists working in the field today?” Al asks both of these questions, and the entire episode is spent discussing it.
Dallas Can’t Stop Watching Man Of Steel.
A very exhausted Al and Don start the show off discussing local horror hosts of yesteryear, and learned that a few are still around and working. Then it went around to finding comics you didn’t get in the past, and buying comics you already have.
At The End Of The Fifties, Local Television Stations Employed A Host For The Horror Movies They Showed. Al Watched M.T. Graves And Don Watched Count Gregore.