It is Free Comic Book Day so it is another road trip to Yancy Street Comics.
Don Thought Free Comic Book Day Started In The Nineties.
But It Began In 2003.
It is Free Comic Book Day so it is another road trip to Yancy Street Comics.
Don Thought Free Comic Book Day Started In The Nineties.
But It Began In 2003.
Don, Rook, Dallas and Dr. Al ring in the new year with some exciting comic talk! We touch on the subtle grandeur of Vaughn Bode’s classic, THE MAN, and discuss in detail Guy Delisle’s graphic novel, PYONGYANG: A JOURNEY IN NORTH KOREA.
Rook discusses MARVEL NOW, the new line of reader-friendly Marvel Comics. He highlights THOR and THE INDESTRUCTIBLE HULK, and then proceeds to bag on John Romita Jr.’s artwork on the new CAPTAIN AMERICA book.
After confusing ourselves trying to figure out who’s alive and who’s dead in the current X-Men books, Don discusses Alan Davis and Mark Farmer’s pencils on the X-Men through the years. Rook brings up the new HE-MAN comic by DC and we end the night by asking the question: when should we let our children loose to read more “mature” content in the comics world?
And here is some information about Tallahassee’s Secret Headquarters’ Unicorn Party.
We’ve Been Told That The Human Race Wouldn’t Get Past
Last Year, But Hello To 2013 Anyway! What Do We Do Now?
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Dallas returns and introduces the show while gushing over Dave Sim and Gerhard’s CEREBUS THE AARDVARK. He also touches on a graphic novel by Guy DeLisle entitle PYONGYANG. Oh, and he finally completes his Promethea collection!!! After a musical break by The Ditchflowers, Don and Al take over the show and promptly drive it into the ground. Just kidding. They discuss the Comic Book History of Comics, and ask the question: Is Digital the Future? Also, which is better: buying comics online or local? Enjoy!!