423 | Comics, Animation And Excitement!

Reading the series Invincible starts the conversation off, leading into Batman: Caped Crusader then back again. The excitement of waiting for the next issue (or trade) finishes the episode.



Invincible By Robert KirkmanCory Walker And Ryan Ottley.

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380 | Unread And Already Discussed

We starts off with Rook’s recent trip to Mutiny Information Cafe and a kickstarter project he received but hasn’t read yet. Don talks about books that have already discussed on the show and decided to do so again.

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Polkadot Stingray


Sunmaker 1 By Ryan Kroboth And Lyam Hayes.

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226 | Superman 1, X-Men Grand Design And The Avengers

Bendis Superman starts the conversation off, then Ed Piskor’s X-Men: Grand Design is discussed in depth. Jason Aaron’s Avengers run is being read (Ghost Rider is in it) and it all ends with Velvet By Brubaker and Epting.


Superman 1 Cover By Adam Hughes.

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197 | Free Comic Book Day 2017

It is Free Comic Book Day so it is another road trip to Yancy Street Comics.



Don Thought Free Comic Book Day Started In The Nineties.
But It Began In 2003.

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