101 | Comics Of The Past

Special guest Joust joins Al and Don to discuss The Marvel Super Heroes Animated  Cartoon From 1966, The current Hawkeye comic, Joe Simon, Harvey Comics Thriller Line, Alex Toth, Gene Colan, Frank Robbins, George Perez, Dave Cockrum and Steve Rude.

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Jules and the Polar Bears


The Marvel Super Heroes Animated Cartoon From 1966.

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91 | Creator Owned Comics, Black And White Explosion And Finding Comics Off The Rack

Walking Dead is mentioned which quickly turns to creator owned comics and the black and white explosion of the eighties. A comparison of Alex Toth and Jaime Hernandez occurs, as well as a short discussion of nineties comics, titles about villains, newspaper strips and finding comics off the rack. And of course, more Fantastic Four talk. Whoo hoo!



The Walking Dead All Out War Storyline.
By Robert Kirkman And Charlie Adlard.

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