Mel Cartagena joins us to talk about his webcomic The Plot along with storytelling techniques, influences and films.

Mel Cartagena joins us to talk about his webcomic The Plot along with storytelling techniques, influences and films.
We start off with a shout out to the Deep Cuts Podcast and Al questions the 1974 album Relayer, then brings up the 1977 Star Wars comic that Don did not like. Bronze Age Burroughs comics, The Maxx, The Mighty Magnor, Valhalla, Captain America And 6 Sidekicks Of Trigger Keaton are discussed as well.
MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Craig Anthony Fountain
Star Wars From Marvel Comics.
Continue readingAl starts the show off talking about the movie Polyester and the forgotten gimmick of Scratch And Sniff. Free Comic Book Day 2021, EC Comics’ creators and humor titles, along with Ghost Rider and deserts. Old Captain America stories finish it out.
Usagi Yojimbo Free Comic Book Day 2020.
Continue readingDon confuses Mort Meskin with Win Mortimer, not because of art styles but because they both share the name Mort in some fashion. He does the same with Mark Teixeira and Tex Blaisdell. The Wertham hearings, Charles Lindbergh, History Of Animation. series we continue to read and The Defenders are talked about as well.
Totem Poles Drawn By Mort Meskin.
Continue readingEverything starts it off talking about García-López and his many works, then we go into the mini comic books that were packaged with toys during the eighties. Novelty songs, random comics and using rock songs instead of jingles finish the episode out.
Modern Masters Volume Five: García-López.
Continue readingWe start off with a question that does not get answered, then go into The Marvel Legacy Of Jack Kirby and some speculated changes in comic book publishing and distribution.Then we talk about events.
The Marvel Legacy Of Jack Kirby.
Continue readingWe start off with the dollar box find Captain Victory, which leads into page rates, inkers and barbarian comics of the seventies. It was brought up that we do not talk about Joe Kubert enough, so we did, as well as American comics reprinted overseas. Stay safe.
Captain Victory And The Galactic Rangers 10.
Continue readingBlack Panther, The Eternals and 2001: A Space Odyssey were titles Jack Kirby created when he returned to Marvel. We talk about those as well as Brandon Graham’s Multiple Warheads 2 and Ishinomori Shotaro’s Kikaida.
Musical Spotlight: Anna O
A dollar box find starts off a long conversation about the great Jack Cole. Variant covers, sealed comic books, sidekicks that did not age well, Wally Wood and Dick Tracy finish it out.
Mr. Monster’s True Crime 1 By Michael T. Gilbert And Jack Cole.
Continue readingWe start off with the influence and large body of work Marie Severin has left behind. Working behind the scenes and the return of the Fantastic Four finish things out.
We Bid Farewell To Marie Severin.
Even though this is a comic book podcast, Al starts the conversation off asking about the film In The Mood For Love. The life and work of Steve Ditko is discussed for most of the show, then The Spectre, books about comic book heroes and Jules Feiffer are talked about as well.
Marvel Tales Reprints Was The First Time Al Saw Steve Ditko.
It’s Free Comic Book Day and we finally get together to do another episode. A couple of free comics and some new books we were not aware of were discussed, then go into the major comic companies swiping each other. And Jack Kirby. We talk about him as well.
This episode is so packed we didn’t stop for a music break. But we did talk about Pee Wee Herman, playing Dungeons And Dragons with Lego, Disney comics, comic book adaptations and outright swipes of other artist’s work. It ends with talk of The Sandman by Jack Kirby and Joe Simon.
Valerian: The Complete Collection Volume 1 starts everything off, which sidetracks into the Squirrel Girl comic and the Valerian movie. Snow Piercer, listener mail and pullapalooza are discussed and we finish with a review of Earth’s Final Chapter From Endless Ink.
Two hundred episodes in and still no direction. Enjoy!
MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Arkasia • Alex Chilton • Puffy AmiYumi
DOWNLOAD200 Episodes In And Still No Direction.
The core four return to discuss Len Wein, the Golden, Silver, Bronze and the never ending Modern Age of comics. Pullapalooza and Strange And Stranger: The World Of Steve Ditko finishes it off.
Al and Don are back and start it off with The Outer Space Spirit, Will Eisner, comic magazines of the seventies and Barney Google. Johnny Hazard By Frank Robbins leads into the influence of Milton Caniff and Noel Sickles on the newspaper adventure strip, and finishes with books by François Rivière and Marguerite Abouet.
The Outer Space Spirit By Will Eisner, Wally Wood And Jules Feiffer.
Even though Al starts off with a certain question, the conversation turns to following creators or following the characters, Mad paperbacks, Jeffrey Catherine Jones documentary and pullapalooza finish it out.
Although Al Hasn’t Read The Current State Of Captain America,
He Talks About What He Has Heard.
Since Don Liked talking about Man-Wolf last episode, Al was forced to talk about the confusing history of the Bronze Age C list characters Tigra The Were-Woman, Beware The Claws Of The Cat, And Hellcat.
MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Five Man Electrical Band
Tigra The Were-Woman Was Introduced In Giant-Size Creatures 1.
Cover By Ron Wilson And Frank Giacoia.
Dallas, Al and Don team up for a comic-filled talk! Don gushes over the impressive looking Island #1 featuring ID by Emma Rios, Warheads 2: Ghost Town by Brandon Graham and Dagger Proof Mummy by Ludroe. Name dropping ensues as Al and Don reminisce about Heroes Inc. by Wally Wood.
Not to be outdone, Dallas goes on and on and on about Warren Ellis and John Cassaday’s magnum opus, PLANETARY. Al has some interesting commentary about some beautiful 70s comics including Marvel-Team Up, and George Perez’s Avengers run. Talk about how diverse the comics that are coming out of Image, like The Mercenary Sea, how hard they are to find, and how the movies don’t always translate to comic sales.
And If You Are In The Tampa Bay Area on Saturday, November 7, Drop By The BRASS MUG At 7:00pm – 12:00am To See Dungeon Boss In The Metal Extravaganza!!!
MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Marky Ramone And The Intruders
Episode 103 finds the entire crew returning once again at their secret lair deep within Rook’s house. Don, Al, Rook and Dallas discuss their favorite writer/artist and penciller/inker duos.
MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: In honor of the beginning of the Halloween season,
Conversation starts out with bean counters and idea looters, then quickly cascades into movies and television shows that you only heard about as a kid. The documentary SUPERHEROES A Never Ending Battle, Inkers for John Buscema and Gil Kane are discussed (again), and the fine line between inspiration and plagiarism.
Walking Dead is mentioned which quickly turns to creator owned comics and the black and white explosion of the eighties. A comparison of Alex Toth and Jaime Hernandez occurs, as well as a short discussion of nineties comics, titles about villains, newspaper strips and finding comics off the rack. And of course, more Fantastic Four talk. Whoo hoo!
The Walking Dead All Out War Storyline.
By Robert Kirkman And Charlie Adlard.
Episode 86. The entire crew returns to discuss Game Of Thrones, Lee and Kirby’s Fantastic Four Run, other epic comic runs like Walking Dead, Groo, and Uncanny X-Men,
Differences between Marvel and DC in the 60’s, Ghost Rider, Digital Reading, Comixology, Mike Ploog’s Horror Comics, The New Mutants original run, Herring and Robinson Book Binders, Wordy and dated 80’s comics, Jack Kirby’s Inkers, and Sal Buscema & Vince Colletta: Marvel’s Go-To Guys.
MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Coheed and Cambria
It’s the Christmas episode! Join Don, Al, and Dallas as they take a walk down memory lane and discuss their favorite Christmas-themed comics. Dallas chooses X-Men (of course), Al chooses Tales from the Crypt (of course) and Don is just a Scrooge.
After that, It’s gift time as the boys exchange presents on air and be merry to each other. The blissful times continue as we meet our once-per-episode quota of Walking Dead talk, before the show inexplicably becomes Two Dimension: The Music Podcast.
MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: BAD RELIGION!!!!!!!! (courtesy of Rook)
Al and Don start off talking about John Severin, then go into humor magazines of the seventies, rising paper costs of the nineties, the evolution of brick and mortar bookstores and the return of vinyl records.
Comic book artists streamlining styles as they progress, color work and uninked pencils are discussed, as well as comic book heroines, French comics and muck monsters.
John Severin Cover For Cracked.
Al and Don start off discussing Marble Season by Gilbert Hernandez which leads into black and white comics and a brief bit about coloring comics. They finish with some League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen and and some more black and white goodness.
American Fantasy And Science Fiction Artist Frank Frazetta.