380 | Unread And Already Discussed

We starts off with Rook’s recent trip to Mutiny Information Cafe and a kickstarter project he received but hasn’t read yet. Don talks about books that have already discussed on the show and decided to do so again.

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Polkadot Stingray


Sunmaker 1 By Ryan Kroboth And Lyam Hayes.

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113 | Image Comics, Digital, The Eternals, Unfinished Series And Dollar Bins

Join the core four of Rook, Don, Dallas and Al, who are joined by Hashbrowns and Des to talk mucho comics! Including: creator-owned rights, comics distribution, King Of The Nerds., The Eternals By Neil Gaiman and John Romita Jr., Jupiter’s Legacy, Rat Queens, Thor, and Cuban cigars.

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Primitive Astronauts


Humble Bundle Weekly.

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