247 | Lovecraft, The Crow And The Incal

The works of H. P. Lovecraft and his long reaching influence is discussed, along with The Crow and yet another copy of The Incal that Don bought. Avengers Endgame and Dark Phoenix finish everything out.



Lovecraft: Four Classic Horror Stories By H.P. Lovecraft And Ian Culbard.

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201 | Wonder Woman, Adam Warlock And Mike Tyson

Wonder Woman and her great movie starts it off and rolls into her different incarnations and other female characters in comics. Guardians Of The Galaxy 2, the Guardians’s comic from the seventies along with Adam WarlockMike Tyson and Weird Love 18 finish it out.



Wonder Woman Movie.

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36 | Comic Books Translated To The Big Screen Concludes

Our talks on comic books translated to the big screen concludes with The Avengers.

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Captain Beefheart


The Avengers Movie.

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2 | Introduction To Comics

Welcome back, it’s episode 2! The gang’s all (well, mostly) here, and the topic of the day is favorite comic book writers. We end up going off on a tangent, and talk about Alan Moore a lot. MUSIC SPOTLIGHT: PRIMITIVE ASTRONAUTS. Apologies for the sound quality this episode, we’re still having growing pains. Drop a line and let us know what you think of the show!!!!


Dallas and Rook’s introduction to comics from Jademan.
Scroll past the basketball information to read about this publisher.

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