422 | Comics, Giant Monsters And Xenorama

The discussion starts off with reprints from the golden and silver age, then moves on to a couple of bronze age characters. Giant monsters, animated series, artist’s work we didn’t care for at first and Xenorama bring up the second half.



Silver Age.

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292 | Middle Road Artists

Don confuses Mort Meskin with Win Mortimer, not because of art styles but because they both share the name Mort in some fashion. He does the same with Mark Teixeira and Tex Blaisdell. The Wertham hearings, Charles Lindbergh, History Of Animation. series we continue to read and The Defenders are talked about as well.



Totem Poles Drawn By Mort Meskin.

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236 | Random Comparisons

The quote “how do you describe a color, that only you’ve seen?” is read, and Al runs off with it. Movies and stories on color, comics that were bought but not read, and odd random comparisons Don started making on past cartoonists.


Die Monster Die!

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123 | Reprinted Stories, Squa Tront, Jack Kamen, Starstruck And Metamorphosis Odyssey

Al and Don go through DC 100 Page Super SpectacularsSuper DC Giants, Jack Kamen, Judo Master, The Rocketeer Adventure Magazine, Starstruck and Jim Starlin’s Metamorphosis Odyssey. Too bad the episode ends before they get to Don’s comics.

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Steve Robinson & Ed Woltil


DC 100 Page Super Spectacular World’s Greatest Super-Heroes.

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37 | Comic Book Letterers And The Art Of Typography

Once again, the whole gang is present, and thanks to Al we discuss letterers and the art of typography. What’s better.. digital fonts or traditional lettering?
We reminisce about some of the old school lettering masters such as John Workman, Moebius, and Tom Orzechowski. Don finds a way to slide in a Carl Barks comment,
and Dallas gushes about Dave Sim’s typographical masterpiece, Cerebus.
We then discuss “event fatigue” in the DC and Marvel universe, and Rook tastefully bags on DC’s New 52 concept. We talk about how boring the superhero “status quo” can be,
and how refreshing books like Spider-Man’s Brand New Day and Morrison’s New X-Men can be. There’s some creator-owned rights talk, and Don brings up symphonic music
to hammer home his point on artistic “innovators” and “cultivators”.
Oh, and Rook sticks up for Aquaman.

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: The Brilliant Green


Not Only Could No One Draw Or Design Like Alex Toth,
No One Could Letter Like He Could As Well.
Yet, We Missed Talking About It On This Episode.

Comic Book LettererDesign • Computer Lettering

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36 | Comic Books Translated To The Big Screen Concludes

Our talks on comic books translated to the big screen concludes with The Avengers.

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Captain Beefheart


The Avengers Movie.

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