423 | Comics, Animation And Excitement!

Reading the series Invincible starts the conversation off, leading into Batman: Caped Crusader then back again. The excitement of waiting for the next issue (or trade) finishes the episode.



Invincible By Robert KirkmanCory Walker And Ryan Ottley.

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388 | Comic Apps And Recommendations

Chris has subscribed to Marvel Unlimited and has asked for recommendations. We do that on and off throughout the extremely long episode. We argue about Iron Fist, talk about Unnatural Order And Freddy Lombard in between that.



Spirits Of Vengence:Rise Of The Midnight Sons By Howard Mackie,
Len Kaminski, Christian Cooper, D.G. Chichester, Andy Kubert,
Adam Kubert
, Ron Wagner, Richard Case, Ron Garney,
Alex Saviuk, Klaus Janson, Joe Kubert.

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385 | Memory Triggers And Protecting Trademarks


Animated cartoons we watched as kids leads into cereal prizes and fast food premiums. Comics For Ukraine finally arrived, more Nancy talk and we discovered the work of Ben Sears. The many different Green Lanterns, Static and the horrifying journey Ms. Marvel took before taking on the mantel of Captain Marvel. Of course, that leads into the different Ant-Men, and the one and only Rain Like Hammers finishes it out.


Known As Prince Planet In The United States, But Started
Out In Japan As Yusei Shounen Papi | 遊星少年パピイ.

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325 | Ruben Najera – Archie Writer

Professional skate border, comic shop owner, musician and now comic book writer Ruben Najera joins us to talk about The Best Archie Comic Ever! Of course, a lot of other things are discussed as well.


The Best Archie Comic Ever! Cover By Tim Seeley.

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316 | The Silmarillion, Origamiac And Hieroglyph

Talk about The Lord Of The Rings: The Rings: Rings Of Power as well as The Silmarillion begins the episode. Bigfoot Knows Karate, a review of Origamiac, Hieroglyph, Moebius’ massive influence and Rook’s impatience waiting for Attack On Titan finish it out.



The Rings: Rings Of Power.

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310 | Star Wars And Kurosawa

Everything starts off with Star Wars Visions which leads into Kurosawa.films, Solo: A Star Wars Story and The Sandman, both the Netflix show and comics. Dredd, Pathfinder and a couple of recent comics that were based off work Don read in the seventies. It all ends with Cliff Chiang, as everything always should.



Star Wars Visions.

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306 | Star Wars And Valhalla

We start off with a shout out to the Deep Cuts Podcast and Al questions the 1974 album Relayer, then brings up the 1977 Star Wars comic that Don did not like. Bronze Age Burroughs comics, The Maxx, The Mighty Magnor, Valhalla, Captain America And 6 Sidekicks Of Trigger Keaton are discussed as well.

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Craig Anthony Fountain


Star Wars From Marvel Comics.

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297 | Supply And Demand

Eric / Promie joins the Core Four to share his first time foray of going down the rabbit hole of purchasing an in demand comic book he really wanted. Enjoy!


Batman Fortnite Zero Point 1 Variant Cover.

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294 | Harry Lucey, Golden Age And Animation

John Lennon: the final interview is mentioned at the beginning, but a discussion of Harry Lucey, Archie artists and golden age reprints start up the comic book talk. Animation history, random comic books and artists who never lost the spark are discussed.



Archie: The Best Of Harry Lucey.

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287 | Garcia Lopez, Toy Tie-Ins And More

Everything starts it off talking about García-López and his many works, then we go into the mini comic books that were packaged with toys during the eighties. Novelty songs, random comics and using rock songs instead of jingles finish the episode out.



Modern Masters Volume Five: García-López.

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257 | Ragnarök, Grip And Descender

Last show of 2019 discusses Ragnarök: The Breaking of Helheim, Grip: The Strange World Of Men, comic book shows on TV and new Ghost Rider books. The first trade of Descender is talked about as well as Fantastic Four Grand Design. Thanks for listening, and enjoy your holiday season!


Ragnarök: The Breaking of Helheim.

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255 | 70’s Kirby, Brandon Graham And Kikaida

Black Panther, The Eternals and 2001: A Space Odyssey were titles Jack Kirby created when he returned to Marvel. We talk about those as well as Brandon Graham’s Multiple Warheads 2 and Ishinomori Shotaro’s Kikaida.

Musical Spotlight: Anna O


Black Panther By Jack Kirby.

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252 | Buck Rogers, Nexus And Drawing Styles

As always, we start off talking about something other than comic books, and this time it is the movie The Last Man On Earth, which led into Night Of The Living Dead, The Omega Man and I Am Legend. Then we talk about the Florida nuisance known as love bugs. We do talk about comics eventually.


Buck Rogers By Howard Chaykin.

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249 | Comic Books And Paperbacks

We start off talking about movies Al has finally seen, and double features from the past. Steve Rude, Space Ghost, Jeff Jones, Charles Vess, Michael Kaluta, assorted Artist’s Editions and the first comics bought as a kid are discussed. Chris Ware, paperback book covers of the 70s and architecture in comics come up, along with Hanna-Barbera comics, Owen Fitzgerald, Ernie Colón, Mike Ploog and P. Craig Russell.

LISTENER WARNING! Episode Is SO Packed It Will Download With A THUD.


Space Ghost By Mark Evanier And Steve Rude.

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184 | Nexus, Dollar Boxes And Archie Collection

Mike Baron and Steve Rude’s current Nexus work starts this episode off, which quickly turns off to stock poses, The Lost Continent and Shade The Changing Girl 4. A lengthy dollar box segment is followed by Archie: A Celebration of America’s Favorite Teenagers. Pullapalooza finishes it out once again.

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Dana Gillespiehitomi


Nexus: Into The Past And Other Stories By Mike Baron And Steve Rude.

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175 | Rereading Comics, Binge Reading, Valerian And Pullapalooza

Rereading comics that sit in the box or on the shelf for long periods of time, binge reading, single issue stories, Valerian and Moebius being available in English start this one off. Pullapalooza finishes it out.



Akira By Katsuhiro Otomo.

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Explicit 150 | Too Many Comics, Variant Covers And Other Comics We’ve Forgotten Or Haven’t Read

The Core Four burn through the first part of the show talking about how they met, then learn how Hashbrowns got his name. The question of are there too many comics these days? is brought up, and Al discusses the return of variant covers. Dallas gives a lukewarm review of Fantastic Four 352 after Don pushed it on him and Rook reviews Super Zero. And at the end Poison River, Chrononauts 1, Black Science and The Nevermen were talked about, but not very well. Enjoy!

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: The HorriblesPrince Whipper Whip


Are There Too Many Comics These Days?

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149 | Required Reading, Deadpool Movie And Captain America 2.

Chris begins employment at Yancy Street Comics, and Rook asks the crew to assign required reading. Then Dallas and Rook talk about the Deadpool movie as well as Captain America 2: Civil War.


Now That He Is Working There, What Comics Should Chris Read?

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113 | Image Comics, Digital, The Eternals, Unfinished Series And Dollar Bins

Join the core four of Rook, Don, Dallas and Al, who are joined by Hashbrowns and Des to talk mucho comics! Including: creator-owned rights, comics distribution, King Of The Nerds., The Eternals By Neil Gaiman and John Romita Jr., Jupiter’s Legacy, Rat Queens, Thor, and Cuban cigars.

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Primitive Astronauts


Humble Bundle Weekly.

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111 | Golden Age Seen By Later Generations, Creator Credits. A Few New Comics And Bill Everett.

We start off discussing the golden age we never saw, but thanks to The Digital Comics Museum it’s possible now. Creator credits issued in comic books, Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers. Thunderworld AdventuresIndestructible HulkXenozoic TalesThe Fade OutG.I. ZombieAfterlife With Archie Magazine 3, Eerie 6, She Hulk and Amazing Mysteries: The Bill Everett Archives.



We Used To Ask, What’s EC?
Destination Nightmare Is A Good Place To Visit If You Want To See Golden Age Work.

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103 | Yoshihiro Tatsumi, Rot & Ruin And Favorite Creative Teams

Episode 103 finds the entire crew returning once again at their secret lair deep within Rook’s house. Don, Al, Rook and Dallas discuss their favorite writer/artist and penciller/inker duos.

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: In honor of the beginning of the Halloween season,


Fallen Worlds By Yoshihiro Tatsumi.

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99 | Anthony Desiato, Unknown Archie Creators, Walt Simonson, Alan Davis And Marie Severin

Documentary filmmaker Anthony Desiato starts the show off discussing his films My Comic Shop, Buy Spoon: The Jay Meisel Story and Wacky Man: The Rise of a Puppeteer. We then go into a discussion of unknown Archie creators, Walt Simonson’s Ragnarok, Groo Vs. ConanChic Stone, Terry Austin, Marshall Rogers and the amazing unsung hero Marie Severin.



Flat Squirrel Productions.

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96 | Long Running Series, Burroughs, Tarzan Comics And Glamorous Jungle Ladies

Changes in current comics, imaginary stories, Arnold Drake, variant covers and long running series by the same creators start out the show. Portrayals of Tarzan in comics, along with other Burroughs tales, glamorous jungle women of the forties, My Heroine Addiction, Captain Marvel, along with Jack Kirby and Stan Lee’s Fantastic Four run to finish it out.



Eternity By Walt Simonson And Dave Gibbons.

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95 | Inspiration, Plagiarism And Filling In The Gaps

Conversation starts out with bean counters and idea looters, then quickly cascades into movies and television shows that you only heard about as a kid. The documentary SUPERHEROES A Never Ending Battle, Inkers for John Buscema and Gil Kane are discussed (again), and the fine line between inspiration and plagiarism.


TV And Movie Comics.

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90 | Comics Overseas, Color Or Black And White, Kirby’s Fantastic Four And Inkers

We start off talking about living with no rules, shipboard life, and nine minutes later finding comic books overseas. Once again black and white or color is discussed, as well as Kirby’s epic run on Fantastic Four 41-50. Vince Colletta, Walt Simonson’s Star Slammers and old war comics finish it out.



Teen Weekly Komiks From The Philippines.

Artist’s Signature And The Time It Was Done,
From Teen Weekly Komiks.

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81 | Megacon, Movie Rooms & Backmasked Record Albums

Starting out this episode, Al and Don talk about finding comic books and trades at Megacon, cosplay, and wondered if conventions still have movie rooms. After the music break they wonder why no one complains about satanic music and backmasked albums. The Paul is dead hoax is discussed along with conspiracy theories.

At the end they finally talk about comic books. The influences of Bill Sienkiewicz, the new Silver Surfer comic and Walt Simonson.



Megacon 2014.

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14 | Don’s Favorite Artists

Al and Dallas struggle to get a word in edgewise as Don goes on and on and on about his Top Ten Favorite Artists.

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Don’s Brother, Larry Moore, of course.


7 | Favorite Writers 2

Happy Labor Day Weekend!!! And here we are again, this time around it’s Dallas, Don, and Al. The topic: why Rook isn’t here. Oh, and we also discuss comics. Specifically, Al’s favorite writers, including Bruce Jones and Arnold Drake. Don goes bananas over Thor, Dallas’ wife tries to get him drunk on air, and we all fight over the new DC Reboot. We also get in a discussion about Stan Lee. Yes, Stan “the Man” Lee, co-creator of Marvel’s most beloved franchises. Even if you’re not a comic book reader, you know this guy. And “What Are You Reading” returns with a new grading scale! Enjoy and have a safe Labor Day weekend!



Al’s vote for favorite writer went to Jack Kirby and Stan Lee:
the architects of the Marvel Universe.