184 | Nexus, Dollar Boxes And Archie Collection

Mike Baron and Steve Rude’s current Nexus work starts this episode off, which quickly turns off to stock poses, The Lost Continent and Shade The Changing Girl 4. A lengthy dollar box segment is followed by Archie: A Celebration of America’s Favorite Teenagers. Pullapalooza finishes it out once again.

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Dana Gillespiehitomi


Nexus: Into The Past And Other Stories By Mike Baron And Steve Rude.

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177 | Reprints, Formats And Pullapalooza

Miracle Man and hard to find comics start the show, which unfolds into classified ads, game shows, cartoon hosts and Sunday comics. Steve Rude and Pullapalooza brings it to a close. Al asked “Why did old comic books have colored rectangles near the top borders of the page?” and just to let you know, he was right, and Don was wrong. Again.



Miracleman 3.

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