429 | Television And LEGOs

This episode begins with Batman: Gotham By Gaslight both the comic and animated movie, other comics adapted to television, the third issue of Blitmap, the LEGO X-Mansion and licensing fees.



Gotham By Gaslight By Brian Augustyn, Mike Mignola And P. Craig Russell.

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417 | Biography Trades, Web Comics And Public Domain

It starts off with a biography trade, followed by two webcomics and the confusing world of public domain characters. After that it is a series of trades that have been read and the rabbit hole they lead into. Enjoy!



Is This Guy For Real? The UNBELIEVABLE ANDY KAUFMAN By Box Brown.

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346 | In Hell Volume 1!

Geladaa joins us to discuss In Hell Volume 1! along with past work, philosophy, references and influences. A vast array of thought and images. Enjoy!


In Hell Volume 1! By Geladaa.

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276 | Rusty Brown And Wordy Writers

Chris Ware’s Rusty Brown begins the conversation, then Al questions why there are no statues of comic creators? Two series Don found in the dollar box that he can’t stop talking about, writers that use too many words, correspondence and Ramona Fradon. Members of the core four slowly drop off as the episode goes on. Enjoy!



Rusty Brown By Chris Ware.

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270 | The Eighth And Locke & Key

We review The Eighth By Adam Lawson And Jorin Evers, and get an interview with Adam as well. The Netflix series Locke & Key is discussed,along with the comic books we have gotten during isolation.



The Eighth By Adam Lawson And Jorin Evers.

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261 | Movies, Cartoons And Comics

Movies with steampunk or science fiction ties that have connections to innovative animators start this one off,which leads into influences artists have from one another and candy we liked (or didn’t like) as kids. Random comics finish this one out, including Al’s newfound interest in the Legion. Enjoy!



The Wild Wild West.

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254 | Nancy, Old Comic Strips And Sunstone

Never in a million years had Don ever thought he would talk about Ernie Bushmiller, much less bother paying for his work, until now. The Far Side, Olivia Jaimes, old newspaper comics outliving their creators, Sunstone and Swing fill the rest out.


How To Read Nancy.

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177 | Reprints, Formats And Pullapalooza

Miracle Man and hard to find comics start the show, which unfolds into classified ads, game shows, cartoon hosts and Sunday comics. Steve Rude and Pullapalooza brings it to a close. Al asked “Why did old comic books have colored rectangles near the top borders of the page?” and just to let you know, he was right, and Don was wrong. Again.



Miracleman 3.

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128 | Bill Watterson, Newspaper Comics, Hugo Pratt And What Happened To Magazines?

Enemies of mankind beware! Here comes… Dallas Busha, A.K.A. “The Host” – with the ability to stop any conversation mid-sentence for a music break! Don Moore, A.K.A. “The Straight Guy” – with the power to see both sides of a debate! Al Val, A.K.A. “Dr. Morbius” – with the power to bring Monster Magazines back into fashion! And Jim Johnson, A.K.A. “The Comic Shop Guy”, with the ability to dismiss any art by Don Heck as “rubbish”!

Tucked away at their underground hideout, the gang discusses numerous comic strips and comic books. Don reviews the wonderful Exploring Calvin And Hobbes: An Exhibition Catalogue. This leads the boys to a trip down memory lane, as they talk about their favorite comic strips including The Far Side, Bloom County, Peanuts, Pogo, Krazy Kat, Doonesbury, Popeye and Flash Gordon. Don continues his review streak and talks about “Corto Maltese: Under the Sign of Capricorn” by the legendary Hugo Pratt.

The entire gang discusses the wonderful absurdity of 50’s comics such as “Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen” and “Superman’s Girlfriend Lois Lane” (as well as the impact these books have on modern books such as All Star Superman by Grant Morrison) Finally, Al relishes in monster magazines both old and new, such as Famous Monsters Of Filmland and Scary Monsters Magazine.



Exploring Calvin And Hobbes: An Exhibition Catalogue By Bill Watterson.

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120 | The Kirby Factor And House Styles

Al starts the discussion off with what he calls “The Kirby Factor,” and seeing things through different eyes as you get older. Don brings up comic book publisher’s house styles and artist’s comfort zones, and continues to talk about a few books he read and brings the show well past the one hour mark.



Neal Adams Was A High Water Mark.

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100 | NFL SuperPro, Captain Citrus, Kool-Aid Man And Superhero Dream Teams

After a five week wait… the core four has come out of hibernation for an action-packed double-sized episode 100! Join Al, Dallas, Rook and Don as they argue who would make the best Superhero and Supervillain Dream Teams!



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41 | Making Connections

Dallas starts it off with a couple of books he has read, Don attempts to explain how Marvel Man began when American comic books disappeared in Europe, but started talking about French comics and forgot his point. But you can make the connection
if you read The Comic Book History Of Comics.

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Ricky Wilcox & The Moon Snakes


Love And Rockets Heartbreak Soup By Gilbert Hernandez.

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33 | Bring A Younger Audience

Don, Al and Dallas are joined once again by Don’s daughter, Holly, as we finally return to traditional comic book talk. We have some technical difficulties (Don’s a little hard to hear, so turn up the volume LOUD!!)

Don reviews the new Popeye #1 by IDW and reminisces about the character, and he discovers an indie book from the 90’s called Optic Nerve. We go on to discuss the merits of Free Comic Book Day, and ask the question: is it bringing in a younger audience to local comic shops?

Al talks romance comics from the 60’s, particularly Young Love featuring art by the master, John Romita Sr.

Dallas gushes about the masterpieces that is Chris Claremont’s run on Uncanny X-Men and reviews Rick Remender’s first handful of Uncanny X-Force issues.
Larry Marder’s Tales of the Beanworld gets an analysis, and Al finally reads Asterios Polyp!!!!



IDW’s Popeye.

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28 | Fighting Dinousaurs

Don starts it off with a tirade about time saving devices that actually made us busier, and tiny cramped living conditions, which were never shown on The Jetsons. Once the subject was exhausted, The Losers and other war comics were discussed, along with people fighting dinosaurs and comic strips that were passed on to other creators.



The Jetson’s Showed Us A Future That Hasn’t Happened Yet,
And We Find That Very Annoying.

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