365 | Comic Books Kill

Shane Berryhill comes on to discuss the upcoming Comic Books Kill and the comic book industries alleged roots in organized crime. Writing and the lasting effects of reading comic books are discussed in depth, and Jacin And The Olympians finishes it out. Enjoy!


Comic Books Kill By Shane Berryhill And Hoyt Silva.

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364 | Random Issues And Trades

Coming off Free Comic Book Day, we talk about a couple of comics we found, and two trades that collected comics from several different titles. No free comics were discussed on this episode though. Really strange.

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: cotoba 코토바 コトバ

The Rook.

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363 | Wonder Woman’s Creators

William Moulton Marston’s greatest accomplishment was accepted by society at large by creating a comic book superhero that showed the idea that women were going to be part of the future, and to teach young boys how to accept feminine leadership. That thinking seemed impossible in the 19th century. Wonder Woman was created to show how to accept femininity into modern society.



Wonder Woman By William Moulton Marston And H.G. Peter.

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334 | Down The Rabbit Hole

We went down the rabbit hole as Batman and Superman in Japan were discussed, which led into Yoshida Tatsuo and the creation of Tatsunoko Studio. Issue 1 of Path of the Pale Rider is covered, and we talk about several Kickstarter campaigns that we’ve had on the show. Free Comic Book Day, The Incal and mimes finish it out. Enjoy!



Bat-Manga: The Secret History Of Batman In Japan By Jiro Kuwata.

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303 | Jacin And The Olympians

Shane Berryhill joins us to talk about the upcoming Jacin And The Olympians and the Kickstarter campaign in support of it.


Jacin And The Olympians By Shane Berryhill, Alex Ogle,
Mattia Monaco And Maja Opacic.

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