148 | Discovering Comic Books In The Sixties

There were a lot of technical difficulties on this one, so please excuse the poor sound quality. Al is joined with Pat and discuss the comic books they were exposed to in the early sixties and what brought them into the fold.



Dennis The Menace In Mexico.
By Al Wiseman And Fred Toole.

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138 | Beware The Claws Of The Cat, Tigra The Were-Woman And Hellcat

Since Don Liked talking about Man-Wolf last episode, Al was forced to talk about the confusing history of the Bronze Age C list characters Tigra The Were-Woman, Beware The Claws Of The Cat, And Hellcat.

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Five Man Electrical Band


Tigra The Were-Woman Was Introduced In Giant-Size Creatures 1.
Cover By Ron Wilson And Frank Giacoia.

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