274 | What Are They Doing Now?

Storage for comics and magazines start the conversation off, but almost immediately goes into music, humor magazines and things that are hard to find. Then Al starts asking about comic book distribution and what past artists are doing now. Scott answered a couple, but not all.


Comic Book Storage.

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238 | Steve Ditko And Ross Andru

The reprint series from 1984 Doctor Strange Classics starts the conversation off, going over Steve Ditko’s drawing skill and his flexible imagination. Other artists who worked on Doctor Strange, and the many great series Ross Andru worked on as well. A few random books finish the conversation.



Doctor Strange Classics By Steve Ditko And Stan Lee.

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194 | Doctor Strange And Books With No Plan To Read

Al started the episode off with a rant about the Marvel executive who says diversity may have alienated readers, which led into a discussion on the price of comics today, trade paperbacks and the culture of comics. Unfortunately, all of that is gone, because Don trashed the first half of the episode before it was produced. Sorry about that.

The surviving half discusses books that we didn’t plan on reading, but ended up liking anyway. And Doctor Strange, there was a lot about him.



Marvel Executive Says Diversity May Have Alienated Readers.
And Here Is What The Beat Says About It.

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