306 | Star Wars And Valhalla

We start off with a shout out to the Deep Cuts Podcast and Al questions the 1974 album Relayer, then brings up the 1977 Star Wars comic that Don did not like. Bronze Age Burroughs comics, The Maxx, The Mighty Magnor, Valhalla, Captain America And 6 Sidekicks Of Trigger Keaton are discussed as well.

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Craig Anthony Fountain


Star Wars From Marvel Comics.

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236 | Random Comparisons

The quote “how do you describe a color, that only you’ve seen?” is read, and Al runs off with it. Movies and stories on color, comics that were bought but not read, and odd random comparisons Don started making on past cartoonists.


Die Monster Die!

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138 | Beware The Claws Of The Cat, Tigra The Were-Woman And Hellcat

Since Don Liked talking about Man-Wolf last episode, Al was forced to talk about the confusing history of the Bronze Age C list characters Tigra The Were-Woman, Beware The Claws Of The Cat, And Hellcat.

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Five Man Electrical Band


Tigra The Were-Woman Was Introduced In Giant-Size Creatures 1.
Cover By Ron Wilson And Frank Giacoia.

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126 | Captain Britain, Ant-Man, Black Super-Heroes Of The Seventies And Pulapalooza

Al is joined by Don with nothing to say, so it starts off with a book that was just picked up. That leads into the Ant-Man movie, then goes into the many guises of Hank Pym, and some of the black super-heroes of the seventies. Then they go into Pulapalooza again.



Captain Britain And The Mighty Defenders.
Al Ewing, Alan Davis And Mark Farmer.

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122 | Movie Radio Spots, Creative Teams After The Originals And Old Video Games

We start off talking about the podcast gauntlet that Al goes through every Saturday. Radio spots and TV ads for movies that Don couldn’t see, icons, branding and other things that never go away, comics done after the creators have left and arcade video games.



Movies Advertised In Radio Spots.

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111 | Golden Age Seen By Later Generations, Creator Credits. A Few New Comics And Bill Everett.

We start off discussing the golden age we never saw, but thanks to The Digital Comics Museum it’s possible now. Creator credits issued in comic books, Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers. Thunderworld AdventuresIndestructible HulkXenozoic TalesThe Fade OutG.I. ZombieAfterlife With Archie Magazine 3, Eerie 6, She Hulk and Amazing Mysteries: The Bill Everett Archives.



We Used To Ask, What’s EC?
Destination Nightmare Is A Good Place To Visit If You Want To See Golden Age Work.

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