194 | Doctor Strange And Books With No Plan To Read

Al started the episode off with a rant about the Marvel executive who says diversity may have alienated readers, which led into a discussion on the price of comics today, trade paperbacks and the culture of comics. Unfortunately, all of that is gone, because Don trashed the first half of the episode before it was produced. Sorry about that.

The surviving half discusses books that we didn’t plan on reading, but ended up liking anyway. And Doctor Strange, there was a lot about him.



Marvel Executive Says Diversity May Have Alienated Readers.
And Here Is What The Beat Says About It.

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69 | Comic Titles Gone Into Oblivion And Reading Comic Books Online

Al and Don start out discussing forgotten titles that have seemingly gone into oblivion,
and later talk about a band that never made the shuffle to obscurity. Kind of strange that neither one cared for The Eagles, but they seem to know the material quite well anyway.



Omaha The Cat Dancer Finishes And Is Available From NBM.

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