400 | Deep Cuts And New Books

We are joined by mOw, a man who doesn’t read the comics he buys, but founded the Bunch Of Dorks before podcasts were a thing. He does like Godzilla, so it all balances out.



400 Episodes Of No Direction.

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381 | Bigfoot Knows Karate: Hinagon

Dan Price and Casey Allen come on to talk about the upcoming one shot Bigfoot Knows Karate: Hinagon. Pronunciation, artwork that isn’t yours and missing evolutionary links are covered as well.


Bigfoot Knows Karate: Hinagon By Casey Allen, Adam Caswell And Dan Price.

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371 | Campaigns And Books Not In Shops

Rook starts it off talking about successful campaigns and the comics that came from them. Don discusses a mainstream book that he has yet to see in any shop. After that they talk about the same two subjects again. Wheeeeeeeee!

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Deloris Telescope


Bigfoot Knows Karate 2: Born Under A Bad Sign.By Dan Price And Casey Allen.

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336 | Bigfoot Knows Karate 2

We conversed with Dan Price on Episode 308, so this time we got to talk to Casey Allen on the upcoming Bigfoot Knows Karate 2: Born Under A Bad Sign. And they gave us this link so you can read issue one for free! Enjoy!


Bigfoot Knows Karate 2: Born Under A Bad Sign Wraparound Cover By Adam Caswell.

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334 | Down The Rabbit Hole

We went down the rabbit hole as Batman and Superman in Japan were discussed, which led into Yoshida Tatsuo and the creation of Tatsunoko Studio. Issue 1 of Path of the Pale Rider is covered, and we talk about several Kickstarter campaigns that we’ve had on the show. Free Comic Book Day, The Incal and mimes finish it out. Enjoy!



Bat-Manga: The Secret History Of Batman In Japan By Jiro Kuwata.

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316 | The Silmarillion, Origamiac And Hieroglyph

Talk about The Lord Of The Rings: The Rings: Rings Of Power as well as The Silmarillion begins the episode. Bigfoot Knows Karate, a review of Origamiac, Hieroglyph, Moebius’ massive influence and Rook’s impatience waiting for Attack On Titan finish it out.



The Rings: Rings Of Power.

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308 | Bigfoot Knows Karate

Dan Price joins the show to talk about the upcoming series Bigfoot Knows Karate along with the Kickstarter champain and his past work.


Bigfoot Knows Karate By Dan Price And Casey Allen.

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