399 | Multiverse And Forgotten Kid’s Comics

Bill Watterson’s new book starts the conversation off, then goes into the work of Fell Hound, Vault Comics, dollar box finds, kid’s comics from the past and the multiverse in mainstream comics. We talked so much we skipped the music break.


The Mysteries By Bill Watterson And John Kascht.

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287 | Garcia Lopez, Toy Tie-Ins And More

Everything starts it off talking about García-López and his many works, then we go into the mini comic books that were packaged with toys during the eighties. Novelty songs, random comics and using rock songs instead of jingles finish the episode out.



Modern Masters Volume Five: García-López.

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183 | Archie Newspaper Strip, Bootlegs, RASL And Star Comics

While on the road, Al and Don discuss the Archie newspaper strip and the Archie Library Series. Bootleg recordings and obscure items found through mail order, comic shops and dollar boxes come up as well. Dallas comes on for ten minutes and talks about RASL Then Al asks about the Marvel imprint Star Comics, And Don Showed How Little He Actually Knew.


The Archie Library 4.

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