287 | Garcia Lopez, Toy Tie-Ins And More

Everything starts it off talking about García-López and his many works, then we go into the mini comic books that were packaged with toys during the eighties. Novelty songs, random comics and using rock songs instead of jingles finish the episode out.



Modern Masters Volume Five: García-López.

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211 | Two Brothers, Wild Things And Mighty Crusaders

Two Brothers starts this episode off, which leads into The Umbrella AcademyThe Airtight Garage and Where The Wild Things Are. The second half covers the 1966 version of the MLJ superheroes The Mighty Crusaders and other lighthearted comic books. We enjoyed recording the second half so much that we did it twice.

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: DisperseJakub Zytecki


Two Brothers By Gabriel Bá And Fabio Moon.
Here Is Their Word Balloon Interview.

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