399 | Multiverse And Forgotten Kid’s Comics

Bill Watterson’s new book starts the conversation off, then goes into the work of Fell Hound, Vault Comics, dollar box finds, kid’s comics from the past and the multiverse in mainstream comics. We talked so much we skipped the music break.


The Mysteries By Bill Watterson And John Kascht.

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286 | Availability And Events

We start off with a question that does not get answered, then go into The Marvel Legacy Of Jack Kirby and some speculated changes in comic book publishing and distribution.Then we talk about events.


The Marvel Legacy Of Jack Kirby.

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272 | Ch05En Kris, Dick Briefer And Owen Fitzgerald

Ch05En Kris By William Dickstein And Rae Larson is reviewed, Dick Briefer’s Frankenstein, Owen Fitzgerald’s work on the Dennis The Menace comic book and other random talk goes on.



Ch05En Kris By William Dickstein And Rae Larson.

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260 | Ghost Rider, 2099, 3 Jokers And The Multiverse

Ghost Rider and the return of the 2099 series starts it off, and we question who in the Marvel universe has not been made a herald for Galactus and what Doctor Doom must smell like?

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Steve Martin CarolRoy Loney


Cosmic Ghost Rider.

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