159 | Following Creators Or Characters, Mad Paperbacks, And Pullapalooza

Even though Al starts off with a certain question, the conversation turns to following creators or following the characters, Mad paperbacks, Jeffrey Catherine Jones documentary and pullapalooza finish it out.



Although Al Hasn’t Read The Current State Of Captain America,
He Talks About What He Has Heard.

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139 | Kamandi, Devil Dinosaur, Progression Of Artists And The Twilight Children

It starts off with a discussion on the first issue of Kamandi, then moves on to Devil Dinosaur and other works and the men who inked Jack Kirby. Progression of artists, Alex Toth, StarmanThe Mercenary Sea and The Twilight Children finish it out.



Kamandi The Last Boy On Earth! By Jack Kirby And Mike Royer.
Here Is Some Information On It’s Forerunner, Kamandi Of The Caves.

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123 | Reprinted Stories, Squa Tront, Jack Kamen, Starstruck And Metamorphosis Odyssey

Al and Don go through DC 100 Page Super SpectacularsSuper DC Giants, Jack Kamen, Judo Master, The Rocketeer Adventure Magazine, Starstruck and Jim Starlin’s Metamorphosis Odyssey. Too bad the episode ends before they get to Don’s comics.

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Steve Robinson & Ed Woltil


DC 100 Page Super Spectacular World’s Greatest Super-Heroes.

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