423 | Comics, Animation And Excitement!

Reading the series Invincible starts the conversation off, leading into Batman: Caped Crusader then back again. The excitement of waiting for the next issue (or trade) finishes the episode.



Invincible By Robert KirkmanCory Walker And Ryan Ottley.

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388 | Comic Apps And Recommendations

Chris has subscribed to Marvel Unlimited and has asked for recommendations. We do that on and off throughout the extremely long episode. We argue about Iron Fist, talk about Unnatural Order And Freddy Lombard in between that.



Spirits Of Vengence:Rise Of The Midnight Sons By Howard Mackie,
Len Kaminski, Christian Cooper, D.G. Chichester, Andy Kubert,
Adam Kubert
, Ron Wagner, Richard Case, Ron Garney,
Alex Saviuk, Klaus Janson, Joe Kubert.

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385 | Memory Triggers And Protecting Trademarks


Animated cartoons we watched as kids leads into cereal prizes and fast food premiums. Comics For Ukraine finally arrived, more Nancy talk and we discovered the work of Ben Sears. The many different Green Lanterns, Static and the horrifying journey Ms. Marvel took before taking on the mantel of Captain Marvel. Of course, that leads into the different Ant-Men, and the one and only Rain Like Hammers finishes it out.


Known As Prince Planet In The United States, But Started
Out In Japan As Yusei Shounen Papi | 遊星少年パピイ.

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359 | Cliff Chiang, Organizing Digital Comics And AI Artwork

Catwoman: Lonely City and Cosmic Odyssey are two comic series that brings back the thrill of reading comics as a youth. That leads us into mainstream comics and retelling storylines, the independent/self publishing, crowdfunding movement and organizing a digital comic collection. And our stance AI Art, along with buying a comic that you later realize you already own finish everything out.



Catwoman: Lonely City By Cliff Chiang.

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325 | Ruben Najera – Archie Writer

Professional skate border, comic shop owner, musician and now comic book writer Ruben Najera joins us to talk about The Best Archie Comic Ever! Of course, a lot of other things are discussed as well.


The Best Archie Comic Ever! Cover By Tim Seeley.

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297 | Supply And Demand

Eric / Promie joins the Core Four to share his first time foray of going down the rabbit hole of purchasing an in demand comic book he really wanted. Enjoy!


Batman Fortnite Zero Point 1 Variant Cover.

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257 | Ragnarök, Grip And Descender

Last show of 2019 discusses Ragnarök: The Breaking of Helheim, Grip: The Strange World Of Men, comic book shows on TV and new Ghost Rider books. The first trade of Descender is talked about as well as Fantastic Four Grand Design. Thanks for listening, and enjoy your holiday season!


Ragnarök: The Breaking of Helheim.

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204 | The Archies, Bug, Kirby Omnibus And Oneshi Press

A quick discussion of The Archies One Shot starts everything off and moves into Bug! The Adventures Of Forager and the many characters of Jack Kirby. G.I. Combat, comic book ads, differing art styles, The Jack Kirby Omnibus Volume One and Oneshi Press finish everything out.

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Yellow Magic Orchestra


The Archies One Shot With A Cover By Jaime Hernandez.

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159 | Following Creators Or Characters, Mad Paperbacks, And Pullapalooza

Even though Al starts off with a certain question, the conversation turns to following creators or following the characters, Mad paperbacks, Jeffrey Catherine Jones documentary and pullapalooza finish it out.



Although Al Hasn’t Read The Current State Of Captain America,
He Talks About What He Has Heard.

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149 | Required Reading, Deadpool Movie And Captain America 2.

Chris begins employment at Yancy Street Comics, and Rook asks the crew to assign required reading. Then Dallas and Rook talk about the Deadpool movie as well as Captain America 2: Civil War.


Now That He Is Working There, What Comics Should Chris Read?

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103 | Yoshihiro Tatsumi, Rot & Ruin And Favorite Creative Teams

Episode 103 finds the entire crew returning once again at their secret lair deep within Rook’s house. Don, Al, Rook and Dallas discuss their favorite writer/artist and penciller/inker duos.

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: In honor of the beginning of the Halloween season,


Fallen Worlds By Yoshihiro Tatsumi.

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37 | Comic Book Letterers And The Art Of Typography

Once again, the whole gang is present, and thanks to Al we discuss letterers and the art of typography. What’s better.. digital fonts or traditional lettering?
We reminisce about some of the old school lettering masters such as John Workman, Moebius, and Tom Orzechowski. Don finds a way to slide in a Carl Barks comment,
and Dallas gushes about Dave Sim’s typographical masterpiece, Cerebus.
We then discuss “event fatigue” in the DC and Marvel universe, and Rook tastefully bags on DC’s New 52 concept. We talk about how boring the superhero “status quo” can be,
and how refreshing books like Spider-Man’s Brand New Day and Morrison’s New X-Men can be. There’s some creator-owned rights talk, and Don brings up symphonic music
to hammer home his point on artistic “innovators” and “cultivators”.
Oh, and Rook sticks up for Aquaman.

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: The Brilliant Green


Not Only Could No One Draw Or Design Like Alex Toth,
No One Could Letter Like He Could As Well.
Yet, We Missed Talking About It On This Episode.

Comic Book LettererDesign • Computer Lettering

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