250 | Kirby’s Massive Influence

Jack Kirby, The King Of Comics’ 102nd birthday starts this conversation off. He invented his own language of drawing that most practitioners follow to this day. Surrealism, graphic and pop art are discussed with mixed results, and we finish with comic books becoming TV shows and a random comic found on the shelf. Enjoy!

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Captain Beefheart


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233 | Dark Crystal, Labyrinth And Queen


It has been talked about before, but someone has actually read The Power Of The Dark Crystal this time. This leads into a discussion of Labyrinth, David Bowie and Queen. Then we do Pullapallooza.



The Power Of The Dark Crystal Book 1 By Simon Spurrier,
Kelly And Nicole Matthews.

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211 | Two Brothers, Wild Things And Mighty Crusaders

Two Brothers starts this episode off, which leads into The Umbrella AcademyThe Airtight Garage and Where The Wild Things Are. The second half covers the 1966 version of the MLJ superheroes The Mighty Crusaders and other lighthearted comic books. We enjoyed recording the second half so much that we did it twice.

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: DisperseJakub Zytecki


Two Brothers By Gabriel Bá And Fabio Moon.
Here Is Their Word Balloon Interview.

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182 | Back-Up Stories, Alan Moore And New Versions Of Old Series

Talking about back-up stories led into Alan Moore and Swamp Thing, Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic EyeShade The Changing Girl, Groo Fray Of The Gods and Love And Rockets. Then Pullapalooza closes it out.



Flesh And Bones Featuring Dalgoda 3
By Jan Strnad And Dennis Fujitake.

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179 | Young Animal, The Atomics And Reading Out Of Sequence

The conversation starts with Grant Morrison’s 18 Days, rolls into DC’s Young Animal books with an intention on talking about The Atomics for a long time. Reading comic books out of sequence finishes everything out.



Grant Morrison’s 18 Days. Artwork By Jeevan J. Kang.
From Graphic India.

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174 | Halloween, Bernie Wrightson And Doom Patrol

Join Don, Al and Dallas as they reminisce about Halloweens past!  The gang fumbles over their knowledge of the origins of Halloween, and Al relishes over Creepy Presents: Bernie Wrightson and explains the Egyptian tradition of a beetle on a string.

Then Don discusses DC’s new YOUNG ANIMAL imprint, including Doom Patrol and Shade the Changing Girl. After that, we plug Slow Robot a Go-Go and DaddyMindTricks.com

MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT: Bobby ‘Boris’ Pickett


Donald Duck: Trick Or Treat By Carl Barks.

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